
I had a lot planned for my holidays after my exams, mostly working on my projects, as i had to finish one of the sites before knew you, optimize SEO for another one, and edit design for third one. It turned out to be ambitious…

I barely had spare time between resting after my exams, as I was exhausted, playing few new games that I missed due to exams and actually working, at the beginning I actually let myself with minimum workload, then I slowly increased it, as it turns out I was actually bored, lol. I finally started working, and making some progress.

Btw that whole optimising thing, I launched a website that is pretty much a curated list of products, then i somehow mention it on social media, people go there, most of the products are sponsored, so I just try to find different content and make few landing pages so conversion rates can get higher, and i’m trying to get some seo traffic here cause its too low.

Medium: http://bit.ly/2hnUdpz


So I just started preparing for my exams in this semester, they will start in about a week and i dont have much free time left. While it is also unusual to work for me at this pace, as I have my few websites to work on at the same time, I think I will take a break from working on them. Talking about stopping my hobby for a while feels bad.  But, I made myself a promise to finish my main site right after my exams and before 2017, so I decided not to celebrate christmas, I think ill just work, i feel like I have to compensate for that time I will spend on preparing for my exams.


So I integrated medium.com with my write.as accounts so you can find me on both of them from now? someone.....

This is my first blog post, im not sure why I started writing but I feel like I want to. So yeah.

I got addicted to that sevice called deliveroo, before that I was using justeat, but there where no good restaraunts that delivered, but its better now couse food is better, but unfortunately i completely stopped cooking, I even go to grocey shops just to get snaks or some water.